Liz Cheney is a fraud.

She has such a hate on for President Trump, conservatives, and Republicans in general.
Her latest spew of poison is now actively rooting for the Democrats to win the House of Representatives in 2024. She called a Republican majority in the House in 2025 as a “threat”.

She also claims that she believes “very strongly in those principles and ideals that have defined the Republican Party. But the Republican Party of today has made a choice, and they haven’t chosen the Constitution.” So rather than trying to change the GOP from within, she would rather side with the radical and marxist left and actively root for them. Ah, makes total sense.

She is a sellout. Her dad is a sellout. His boss, President George W. Bush is a sellout. Since President Reagan left office in 1989, the establishment GOP, like the Bushes, Cheneys, McCains, Romneys, etc. have destroyed the Party with their endless wars, fiscal irresponsibility, failure to combat the culture rot, and support for open borders.
You are a smart audience and know this already. We will never stop fighting against the establishment and their war against conservatives and freedom-loving Americans.

Liz Cheney is just another mouthpiece for those who hate you. If it’s not Liz Cheney, it’s Mitt Romney. If not him, it’s Mitch McConnell. You get the point.
