In an interview Monday night on television, Marie Harf, the deputy spokesperson for the State Department, suggested that if Islamic State extremists had job
opportunities, perhaps they might put down their AK-47s and beheading knives and start a business.
Forgive us…WHAT???!!! This statement is appalling coming from a top official at the State Department. Unfortunately, and expectedly with this administration, it is just par for the course.
Watch the video here if you can stomach it.
These Islamic militants are savages motivated by religion, not their economic status. Don’t forget that several prominent terrorists have come from very wealthy families so the notion that they are using terrorism as an escape from poverty is absolutely absurd.
No matter how much the Obama administration or the bureaucrats at the Department of State try to understand the root causes of terrorism or call Islamic terrorism by other names such as “man-made disasters”, these militant Islamic extremists still commit horrific violence in the name of their fanatical religion and the seeds of their hate continue to spread throughout the world.
Here are just a few recent acts of terror these sub-human militants have committed:
- beheaded 21 Egyptian Christian hostages.
- using children as human shields and suicide bombers.
- raping and killing children in Iraq according to the U.N.
With these unspeakable heinous acts of terror, you don’t try and reason or try to understand terrorist’s rationale. We should never, ever negotiate or look to get at the root cause of their actions. Killing them is the only way to rid the world of these barbarians.
The outrageous comments by Marie Harf really underscore another serious problem that the United States faces which is lifelong bureaucrats at the State Department. A vast majority of these civil servants are liberal and have been indoctrinated with a mindset of appeasement that is both destructive and dangerous.
And who can forget Hillary Clinton’s recent irrational and sickening comments at Georgetown University. On December 4th of last year, the former Secretary of State stated that the United States should “empathize” and “show respect” towards our enemies.
Welcome back former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s 1930’s foreign policy.
The State Department needs an overhaul.
Whether holding seminars soon after the 9/11 attacks to understand why the terrorists hated us or President Obama and his administration cronies wanting to sit down with Iran and have “peace” talks with a terrorist regime, there has been an long-held attitude to appease or understand our enemies that is coming from the State Department. It has made us weaker and ultimately less safe.
The very idea that the United States placates to our enemies is beyond pale. We are a nation that has led the fight to bring liberty and freedom to the entire world. We shall never back down from that core principle. It is what defines us. It’s who we are as a republic.
And it’s not just terrorism the State Department is so wrong about. A top official asked Disney to use the characters from the animated movie Frozen to teach kids about the dangers of global warming in the Arctic. Yet, according to multiple studies, the Antarctic ice is actually increasing at record levels that would dwarf any decrease the northern Arctic region might be experiencing. But the State Department will surely not let the facts get in the way of a political agenda.
The State Department needs an overhaul. Here are a few more examples of its incompetence and cronyism:
- Clinton Foundation raised $2 billion from companies who were lobbying the State Department when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
- three months after being cyber-hacked, the department has failed to root out the hackers who are still stealing data.
- removing Cuba, a human rights violator led by communist dictators, from the department’s terror list.
How did the United States Department of State become so liberal with feckless, incompetent bureaucrats who think jobs will rid the world of terrorism or that sitting down with our enemies will make them like us and play nice? Colleges and universities, of course, where the students have been indoctrinated for generations.
Take Georgetown University senior Oliver Friedfeld for example. He opined in his school’s paper about his experience of being mugged at gun point late last year and says he deserved it because he comes from “privilege”. He goes on to write that he doesn’t blame his assailants because it was income inequality that led to their actions. As a Georgetown student majoring in government, it is scary to think that he could soon be working at the State Department after he graduates.
How do you combat this attitude of appeasement at our colleges and universities? Not much can be done in the near future.
However, we must elect a conservative to the White House in 2016 who will appoint strong competent leaders to the State Department who will take serious the threats of terrorism that exist today and in the future.
As for the the career civil servants who will still hold jobs at taxpayer-expense? That is going to take some diligence to eventually cleanse the mindset of appeasement that has resonated from a department that is too important to be led by feckless liberal bureaucrats who think that jobs and opportunities will rid the world of Islamic extremists.
The State Department needs an overhaul. Our liberty and freedom depend on it.
FIRST & Final thoughts of the week that was …
FIRST MSNBC television host Chris Hayes (Who??…we know) made some comments this week saying that global warming “is the single most important thing we face.” When was the last time you heard of global warming beheading people, shooting Jews in a Paris deli, flying planes into buildings, or kidnapping and raping little children?
We salute North Carolina congressman Robert Pittenger who tweeted yesterday:
“I believe Prime Minister @Netanyahu is the Winston Churchill of our day, trying to warn the world of an imminent threat in Iran.”
It is rare that we praise Speaker of the House John Boehner but we must give credit where credit is due. The Speaker is adamant that the Senate find a way to pass the Department of Homeland Security funding bill as written. He said this:
“The House has acted to fund the department and to stop the president’s overreach when it comes to immigration and his executive orders. The president said 22 times that he did not have the authority to do what he eventually did. And the Congress just can’t sit by and let the president defy the Constitution and defy his own oath of office. And so the House acted. Now it’s time for the Senate to act.”
The Speaker also defended his invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress March 3. We won’t stop calling out Mr. Boehner for his lack of leadership and for his attacks on conservatives inside the House, but when he does do the right thing, we won’t hesitate to say so.
Final… This being President’s Day week, we quote one of our country’s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln:
“Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
It is quite obvious that Chris Hayes of MSNBC is no fan of Abraham Lincoln.