

 The President of Conservative First

           Beginning tomorrow and in the coming weeks and months, Americans will have a chance to begin the process of reversing our current course by heading to the voting booth to cast their ballots in several key primary races.

           These primaries offer a great opportunity to begin the process of reversing the damage done to our country with policies that our centralized federal government has implemented the past five years.

          But casting your ballot for the “winnable”or “most recognizable” candidate is not nearly enough.  That has been a failed strategy for several election cycles in recent history.

          How many times have you heard these lines from the establishment?

“Only _____ can win.”

“Only he or she can defeat….”

“Only he is electable.”

          Unfortunately, we have heard them far too many times and the results have not been pretty.

          The one who will win?

          The principled candidate who vows to follow and defend the Constitution and protect our liberties will win.

          It’s not enough to just vote the Republicans into the majority in either chamber.  We have seen how that turned out from 2001-2006.  Before President Obama came into office, former president George W. Bush, aided by a Republican controlled House and Senate, was the most profligate spender in our republic’s history.  It was called “compassionate conservatism”.  Nothing is compassionate about burdening our children and grandchildren with unsustainable debt.

          To all those pundits who complain that the Senate would be in Republican control if conservatives stopped pillaging their own, we here at Conservative First reply back, “what difference does it make if the Republicans control the Senate if Minority Leader Harry Reid gets most or some of what he wants anyway?”

          The so called Republican leadership has sold out its conservative base by compromising on issues such as amnesty, the debt ceiling increases, and the sentiment that “Obamacare is fixable”.

          What other principles will they cave on for political expediency?

          Also, saying you are conservative or riding a wave election to victory is not the answer either.

          Back in 2010, grassroots conservatives and first time voters, tired of all the profligate spending, the nationalizing of our healthcare, and worried about the future of the country, rose up together and swept the GOP into office.  However, many of those candidates merely paid lip service to conservatism and eventually their establishment/moderate principles came to light once in office.

          Conservative First will identify these politicians and seek to defeat them in the next primary.

          The establishment must be defeated and with it, its leadership, replaced by constitutional conservatives.

          It’s too late to think that one party in the majority will turn things around.  History does not prove that.

          You must look beyond party identification.

          Starting tomorrow, vote for the constitutional conservative in the primary.

          As the actor Jon Voight said recently, “If I want to make a difference, I better make it now.”

          You can make a difference now too.

          Your support of Conservative First can help elect conservative candidates all across the country who will help restore constitutional republicanism.

          Our republic’s future is at stake.
