The state of South Carolina is quickly becoming a battleground for the 2016 presidential election cycle.

Some candidates are making it their last stand (Bush, Carson), others have something to prove (can Kasich expand his campaign outside New Hampshire?; can Rubio get back on track and become the media/establishment darling?), while the Iowa caucus winner (Cruz) tries to deliver a blow to the frontrunner (Trump) who could become unstoppable and run away with the nomination.

In the meantime, with the Palmetto State primary just seven days away, these candidates are getting ready to slug it out tonight in Greenville for the ninth GOP debate.

There are several questions that are floating around in the political stratosphere. Here are some of those questions (in no particular order):

Those questions should be answered either after tonight’s debate or next Saturday night after South Carolinians have had their say in the primary process.

As we do every morning before each debate, we ask the candidates a question.

Here it goes.

Donald Trump – Which Supreme Court decision in the past 50 years do you think was a mistake and why?

Ted Cruz – Again this week, Mr. Trump has threatened to sue you over your birthright citizenship, this time claiming standing to do so. What, if anything, would you like to say to him or the audience concerning this issue that many thought was old news?

Marco Rubio – It’s been a tough week for you senator. Where do you need to finish in next Saturday night’s primary in order for your candidacy to continue with legitimacy?

Jeb Bush – You said earlier this week that you will not blame your predecessor (Obama) should you be elected. Would it be accurate to say that this kind of statement is exactly why your campaign has been an utter disaster?

John Kasich – Will you please stop the “hugs and tears” campaign that you are running? You are running for President of the United States, not the leader of your local grief counseling center.

Ben Carson – You said on Friday that you “reassess the future” of your campaign daily which we respect and appreciate your honesty. Should you have another poor showing here in South Carolina next Saturday night, do you really expect to continue on with your candidacy?

ABC News hosted last weekend’s debate in New Hampshire and the moderators were awful.

Now this time, it’s CBS News’ turn and we can only predict that the questions will be just as bad if not worse.

For the past two decades, we have wondered why the GOP debates even take place on these liberal, biased networks.

Are we the only ones who want substance during these debates?

We want to know who will secure the border; who will implement a flat tax which will lead to economic prosperity; who will rebuild our military and take care of our veterans in their post-military life; who will repeal Obamacare; and who will repeal every unconstitutional executive order on Day One?

That’s what we care about.

The questions that pit candidate versus candidate, while entertaining at times, do nothing to advance the cause of liberty and restore our republic.

If it’s entertainment you want, you can spend parts of the two hour debate tonight listening to John Kasich feel your pain, give you a hug should you need one, and hear all about how his dad was a mailman.