Sen. Heller is known in Washington for his tendency to “reach across the aisle” and side with liberals on a whole host of issues. The citizens of Nevada need a conservative to represent them in the United States Senate who will help stem the tide of runaway government and not someone who will work with the other side to continue it.


Conservative First has identified Senator Dean Heller of Nevada as the newest member of the dubious 2018 Target List for his moderate tendencies and overall abandonment of conservative principles.

Sen. Heller was appointed to the U.S. Senate from Nevada in 2011 by Governor Brian Sandoval, a moderate, who justified the pick by surmising that Heller’s years in Washington as a congressman would benefit Nevadans. However, in hindsight, perhaps a fresh-face would have faired better.

Back in Washington D.C., but on the other side of the Capitol Building, Heller seemed at the time to be the right choice to satisfy conservatives. Unfortunately, the economy and the ever-changing political landscape made Sen. Heller an easy target for liberal Republicans and Democrats to influence the junior senator from Nevada. He began to waffle on matters, almost instantly after narrowly defeating his Democratic challenger in 2012.

Senator Heller floated trial balloons on matters such as gun control, social issues, and expanding the role of the federal government while never really having any conviction on these issues. Where does he stand on today’s issues? What does he truly believe in? When our research staff looked into this, there was little if any clarity.

Sen. Heller is known in Washington for his tendency to “reach across the aisle” and side with liberals on a whole host of issues. In fact, for years leading up to his time in Washington, many Nevadans openly wondered why Heller didn’t just switch political parties. We here at Conservative First wonder why indeed, but perhaps we can influence the citizens of Nevada to support a true conservative candidate in the primary and avoid a second Senator Dean Heller term all together.